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Dr. Sourabh Kumar Dubey

Exploring the Wonders of Science

Welcome you to learn more about my work below and feel free to collaborate



My Story

Based out of India, I am an applied research professional with project management skills along with 10 years experience in environmental research and development sector. My interests span across aquaculture, coastal fisheries, coastal forest (mangrove) ecosystem, integrated coastal zone management, climate change impact on aquaculture, transboundary resources governance, organic certification, livelihood dynamics, gender and institutions.

I am sensitive to local, political and cultural realities, which enable a practical goal oriented approach, while maintaining the quality of programmatic outputs.


  • Aquaculture and fisheries

  • Mangrove taxonomy and ecology

  • Aquatic environment management 

  • Biodiversity assessment 

  • Fishery based livelihoods

  • Environmental and social impact assessment

  • Community based conservation & management

  • Certification support in seafood supply chains

  • Reports, manuscripts, knowledge product 

  • Multi Stakeholder Dialogues 

  • Institution 

Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about my research interests, my past and current works

About Me


The Careerograph


Young Scientist-Science Excellence Award (2015)

Foundation for Science and Environment, Kolkata

Get in touch if you’d like to read my thesis Study on the impact of climate change on freshwater aquaculture in Indian Sundarban eco-region with reference to salinity intrusion and development of climate resilient adaptation strategies

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The Careerograph


Ph. D in Science

Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, India


P. G. Diploma in Remote Sensing and GIS

Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India


Master of Science in Zoology 

University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India


Young Scientist-Science Excellence Award (2015)

Foundation for Science and Environment, Kolkata

Get in touch if you’d like to read my thesis Study on the impact of climate change on freshwater aquaculture in Indian Sundarban eco-region with reference to salinity intrusion and development of climate resilient adaptation strategies


Portfolio of Some Important Projects 

As a researcher in various capacities, I have worked and implemented different aquaculture, fisheries, mangrove forest, livelihood related projects, cutting across grassroots, national and international scales

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Development of Climate Resilient Aquaculture Strategies for Indian Sundarban

FUNDED BY National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) – ICAR

IMPLEMENDED BY West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences

Research focus: 1) Study the impact of climate change in Indian Sundarban with special emphasis of fisheries and livelihood 2) tolerance limits of cultured species in relation to climate change stresses like salinity and impact on the biological parameters 3) Development of climate smart aquaculture strategies for better adaptation to climate change-induced salinity intrusion

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Career Details

TECHNICAL COORDINATOR                                                                                                              July 2020-


Project: Implementation of Odisha Fisheries Policy 2015

INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST                                          November 2018- July 2020

Water Resources Investigation & Development Department, Government of West Bengal

Project: World Bank-West Bengal Accelerated Development of Minor Irrigation Project (WBADMIP)

CONSULTANT- PROJECT ASSOCIATE                                                               January 2017 - September 2018

International Water Association (IWA)


PROJECT ASSOCIATE                                                                                       September 2014 - December 2016

West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences


SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW                                                                                  March 2014 - September 2014

ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute 


Project: Assessment of Spawning behaviour of major fish species in Inland  environment with a view to harness the beneficial effect of temperature

Research focus: 1) Climate change impact on fish biology 2) climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration

SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW                                                                                             July 2011 to March 2014

West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences

FIELD SUPERVISOR                                                                                                                August 2010 - July 2011

The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India

Key role: 1) Shrimp aquaculture development 2) Domestication of crab aquaculture in Sundarban 3) Training and capacity building programme for fish farmer

LECTURER                                                                                                                     November 2007 - August 2010

Department of Zoology, Bankim Sardar College


Key role: 1) Teaching of undergraduate Zoology and Environmental Science, 2) Academic counselor 3) Internal examiner and evaluator


Instrumenting on organic seafood supply chain. Additionally, I have managed multi-country, Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) and dialogue process

Consultant (2019) 

Global Nature Fund (GNF)-Bluesensus Germany commissioned prefeasibility study on Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) to strengthen transformative processes in the shrimp trade as a basis for the protection of mangrove ecosystems in Southeast Asia

Scientific Consultant (2014-
Bluesensus - sustainability & seafood consulting, Germany


Traditional Organic shrimp project (West Bengal); Integrated Mangrove Aquaculture (IMA) in Sundarban; Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) (Mandapam, Plak Bay, and Gulf of Mannar coast); Sustainable aquaculture development in Kolleru Lake-A Ramsar Site (Andhra Pradesh)

Associate  Consultant (2014 - 2015) 

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of West Bengal Traditional Black Tiger Shrimp Project in Basirhat-II block of North 24 Parganas District of West Bengal, India for Organic Services, Landsberger Str. 527 81241 München, Germany

Researcher (2014 - 2015) 

Prefeasibility Study Report for Sustainable Aquaculture Programme in India under Indo-German Financial Cooperation” kfw - Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (The German Development Bank)

Researcher (2014 - 2015) 

EIA for All Weather Deep-Sea Port at Biramput & Bichunia Mouza, East Medinipur, West Bengal for Envirotech East Pvt. Limited, Kolkata

Researcher (2013 - 2014) 

GIZ-Germany funded “Pilot Project on Climate Adaptation through enhanced food production in Indian Sundarbans” implemented by West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences and WWF-India 

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Home: Publications


The Fruits of My Labor

Research papers

  1. Patra PP, Dubey SK, Roy M, Trivedi RK, Sahu SS and Mandal B (2020). Water Clarity Assessment for A Regional Lake Using Landsat Operational Land Imager Data: A Case of Nalban Lake in East Kolkata Wetland, India. Pollution Research, 39 (3) : 141-154.

  2. Das UK, Dubey SK, Trivedi RK, Chand BK, Mandal B and Rout SK (2019). Median Lethal Salinity (Mls- 50 96h) of certain Freshwater Aquaculture Fish Species (Order: Cypriniformes) from Coastal Mainland of Sundarban, India. Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India, 51(1): 60-66

  3. Biswas A, Patra PP, Dubey SK, Roy M (2019). Prevailing aquaculture practices in a drought-prone landscape: A case of Purulia district of West Bengal, India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 7(1): 129-136

  4. Ragavan P, Dubey SK, Panda M, Roy M, Ravichandran K, Trivedi RK, Jayaraj RSC, Mohan PM, Rana TS (2018). Critical note on the identity and distribution of Sonneratia griffithii Kurz (Lythraceae) in India- a Critically Endangered Mangrove species. Nordic Journal of Botany (Wiley).

  5. George G., Krishnan P., Mini KG, Salim SS, Ragavan P, Tenjing SY, R. Muruganandam, Dubey SK, Gopalakrishnan A, Purvaja R, Ramesh R (2018). Structure and regeneration status of mangrove patches along the estuarine and coastal stretches of Kerala, India. Journal of Forestry Research (Springer), 1-12.

  6. Dubey SK, Trivedi RK, Chand BK, Mandal B and Rout SK (2017). Farmers’ perceptions of climate change, impacts on freshwater aquaculture and adaptation strategies in climatic change hotspots: A case of the Indian Sundarban delta. Environmental Development (Elsevier), 21: 38–51.

  7. Patra PP, Dubey SK, Trivedi RK, Sahu SS and Rout SK (2017). Estimation of chlorophyll‐a concentration and trophic states in Nalban Lake of East Kolkata Wetland, India from Landsat 8 OLI data. Spatial Information Research (Springer), 25: 75–87.

  8. Dubey SK, Trivedi RK, Chand BK, Mandal B and Rout SK (2016). The effect of salinity on survival and growth of the freshwater stenohaline fish spotted snakehead Channa punctata (Bloch, 1793). Zoology and Ecology (Talyor and Francis), 26:1-10.

  9. Sau S, Nagesh TS, Trivedi RK, Dubey SK, Rout SK, Biswas I and Bhakta D (2017). Species composition and habitats of macro-benthic Crustaceans in the intertidal zones of Sundarban, West Bengal, India. Journal of Experimental Zoology India,  20 (2): 1103-1107.

  10. Dubey SK, Chand BK, Trivedi RK, Mandal B and Rout SK (2016). Evaluation on the prevailing aquaculture practices in the Indian Sundarban delta: An insight analysis. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 14 (2):133-141. (Finland)

  11. Gupta S, Dubey SK, Trivedi RK, Chand BK and Banerjee S (2016). Indigenous ornamental freshwater ichthyofauna of the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, India: status and prospects. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 8(9): 9144–9154.

  12. Mandal B, Dubey SK, Das Gupta P, Mahapatra BK and Chand BK (2016). A preliminary survey on parasitic occurrence in indigenous climbing perch, Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1972) from West Bengal state of India. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 4(8): 592-596.

  13. Dubey SK, Trivedi RK, Chand BK, Rout SK and Mandal B (2015). Response of Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792) to salinity for assessing their culture potential in brackish water inundation prone areas of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India, 47 (2): 59-69.

  14. Dubey SK, Chakrborty DC, Mitra M, Bhattacharya R and Neogy AB (2015). Avifaunal assemblages at Gorumara and Jaldapara National Parks in India with reference to habitat association and feeding guild. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology, 4 (2): 151-160.

  15. Dubey SK, Chakrborty DC, Gupta S, Mitra M, Bhattacharya R and Neogy AB (2015). Avian Diversity in the Jaldapara National Park, West Bengal, India with a Notes on their Habitat Association and Feeding Guild. Indian Forester, 141 (10): 1092-1101.

  16. Chand BK, Dubey SK, Trivedi RK, Beg MM Das UK and Ghosh SK (2015). Dose optimisation of the synthetic reproductive hormone WOVA-FH for induced breeding of Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758). Zoology and Ecology (Talyor and Francis), 25 (4): 365-372.

  17. Mandal B, Dubey SK, Bhattacharya D and Chand BK (2015). Significance of Cross-contamination on Bacteriological Quality of Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798) for Export Trade Produced in Fish Processing Plant. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 6: 381.

  18. Mandal B, Dubey SK, Ghosh AK and Dash G (2015). Parasitic occurrence in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii from coastal West Bengal, India. Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology, 7(6):115-119 

  19. Chand BK, Trivedi RK, Dubey SK, Rout SK, Beg MM and Das UK (2015). Effect of salinity on survival and growth of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man). Aquaculture Reports (Elsevier), 2: 26-33.

  20. Dubey SK, Trivedi RK and Chand BK (2015). Indigenous Freshwater Piscine Resources of Indian Sundarban Biosphere Reserve: Status and Prospects. World journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, 7 (1): 21-28.

  21. Bhattacharya S, Dubey SK, Dash JR, Patra PH, Das A K, Mandal TK and Bandyopadhyay S K (2014). Contamination status of cadmium in different biotic and abiotic components around the Bidhyadhari river of Indian Sundarban delta. Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, 4 (2): 158-171.

  22. Dubey SK, Trivedi RK, Rout SK, Chand BK and Choudhury A (2014). Median Lethal Salinity (MLS 96h) of Two Small Indigenous Fish Species Amblypharyngodon mola and Pethia ticto from Indian Sundarban. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 5: 249.

  23. Bhattacharya S, Dubey SK, Dash JR, Patra PH, Das A K, Mandal TK and Bandyopadhyay S K (2014). Assemblages of Total Mercury in the Tropical Macrotidal Bidyadhari Estuarine Stretches of Indian Sundarban Mangrove Eco-Region. Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology, 4:241.

  24. Bhattacharya S, Dash JR, Patra PH, Dubey SK, Das A K, Mandal TK and Bandyopadhyay SK (2014). Spatio-temporal variation of mercury in Bidyadhari river of sundarban delta, India. Exploratory Animal Medical and Research, 4 (1): 19-32.

  25. Dubey SK, Chakrborty DC, Bhattacharya C and Choudhury A (2014). Allometric Relationships of Red Ghost Crab Ocypode macrocera (H. Milne-Edwards, 1852) in Sundarbans Mangrove Eco-Region, India. World journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, 6 (2): 176-181.

  26. Dubey SK, Chakraborty DC, Chakraborty S, Choudhury A (2013). Burrow architecture of red ghost crab Ocypode macrocera (H. Milne-Edwards, 1852): A case study in Indian Sundarbans. Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, 3 (2): 136-144.

  27. Dubey SK, Choudhury A, Chand BK, Trivedi RK (2012). Ecobiological study on burrowing mud lobster Thalassina anomala (Herbst, 1804) (Decapoda: Thalassinidea) in the intertidal mangrove mudflat of deltaic Sundarbans. Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, 2 (1): 70-75.

  28. Chand BK, Trivedi RK, Biswas A, Dubey SK and Beg M (2012). Study on impact of saline water inundation on freshwater aquaculture in Sundarban using risk analysis tools.  Exploratory Animal and Medical Research, 2 (2): 170-178.

Book, Book Chapter, Policy Brief

  1. Dubey SK, Censkowsky U, Roy M, Chand BK, Dey A (2019).  Framework for Rapid Evaluation of a Mangrove Restoration Site: A Case Study from Indian Sundarban. B. Gul et al. (eds.), Sabkha Ecosystems, Tasks for Vegetation Science VI, Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, 363-378.

  2. Ragavan P, Dubey SK, Dagar JC, Mohan PM, Ravichandran K, Jayaraj RSC, Rana TS (2019). Current Understanding of the Mangrove Forests of India. J. C. Dagar et al. (eds.), Research Developments in Saline Agriculture, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 257–304.

  3. Conserving Hilsa, Securing Livelihood- A policy brief (2018). Published by the International Water Association, the Netherlands 

  4. Trivedi RK, Chand, BK, Rout SK, Dubey SK (2015). Climate Resilient Aquaculture Strategies for Indian Sundarban Delta. NICRA-WBUAFS Publication, West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata, India.

  5. Trivedi RK, Chand, BK, Rout SK, Dubey SK (2015). Public Private Partnership is Essential for Developing Climate Adaptive Aquaculture in Sundarban, West Bengal. In: Public Private Partnerships in Aquaculture. Sinha VRP, Keshavanath P, Sharma AP and Mohanty BP (Eds.), Narendra Publishing House, Delhi, India, pp- 197-208.

  6. Mandal B and Dubey SK (2015). Present Status and Prospects of Black Tiger Shrimp Farming: A Case Study in Maritime State of West Bengal, India. In: Perspectives in Animal Ecology and Reproduction Vol.10. Gupta VK, Verma AK and Singh GD. (Eds.), Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp-83-102

  7. Trivedi RK, Chand, BK, Rout SK, Dubey SK and Beg MM. (2014). Sundarbaner poribortito jolobayute mach chash (in Bengali). Published by West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata, India, pp-64.

  8. Chand, BK, Trivedi RK and Dubey SK (2012). Climate change in Sundarban and adaptation strategy for resilient aquaculture. In: CIFRI Compendium on Sundarban: Retrospect and Prospects. Sinha A, Katiha PK, Das SK. (Eds.), Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Kolkata, India, pp- 116-128.

  9. Chand, BK, Trivedi RK, Dubey SK and Beg MM. (2012). Aquaculture in Changing Climate of Sundarban: Survey Report on Climate Change Vulnerabilities, Aquaculture Practices & Coping Measures in Sagar and Basanti blocks of Indian Sundarban, West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata, India, pp-198.

  10. Trivedi RK, Dubey SK (2012) (Eds.) Training Compendium (International Training Programme for Cambodian Trainees) on “Freshwater Fish seed Production and Nursery Rearing in West Bengal, India”. Published  by Faculty of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata, India.


Lets Unlock the Life’s Mysteries

Research involves constant investigating and redesigning of the scientific questions posed. Get in touch if you’d like to work and collaborate me 

What we can do

  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

  • Carbon neutral  sea food supply chain 

  • Development of Organic Supply Chain

  • Mangrove plantation project

  • Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Coastal biodiversity projects

  • Sustainable fisheries 

  • Institutional strengthening 


Landscape Gallery 

I have experienced varying degree of landscapes during my work. These are Sundarban Biosphere Reserve (West Bengal), Bhitarkanika Conservation Area (Odisha), Stretches of Ganga basin in India and Bangladesh, Plak Bay and Gulf of Mannar (Tamil Nadu), Kolleru Lake (Andhra Pradesh) etc. 































































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